I have a wide-ranging sculptural practice. I am interested in vessels or containers. I have a love of basketry and have been working inconsistently in this field for over fifty years. My first exhibition at Beaver Gallery in Canberra was with my basketry. I am also attracted to copper wire and the visual fragility of knitted copper. The shadows that knit makes and when two vessels are nestled within each other creates another dimension. Some of copper vessels are quite small and can fit into a hand. Others are larger. This wire had its first life in telecommunication and I like the fact that my recycled knitted vessels tell another story.
Still on the fragility theme my small-waxed bowls are eco printed Japanese paper. These are very special when displayed in a group as long as they are not left in the sun. My covered stones tell another story as do the upright vessels, which are reminiscent of the sea and the shore trees.